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Baby Boomers Divorce and the Home Sale

Divorce rates are rising nationally for older couples, which means agents should be prepared to handle this group as they sell the property they shared and buy new, separate property. Agents should be sensitive to the challenges faced by former spouses who have not been active in the workforce. Sometimes you find you’re no longer in love with your spouse, and you both are toward the end of your careers, you’ve regained equity in your shared house and your kids have flown the coop — what’s keeping you in the marriage? Increasingly, the answer for many 60-plus couples is: “nothing.” Among U.S. adults ages 50 and older, the divorce rate has roughly doubled since the 1990s.”

With the divorcing couple it is extremely important from the beginning to include everyone and favor no one. As an agent it is very helpful to approach the couple with the philosophy I’m here to get you both what you want — to sell the house. It is critical to be professional and sensitive to emotions on both sides for the home sale to go smoothly.

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