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Nyack School Board Elections

The Nyack School Board Elections and Budget Vote are completed. The incumbent Karen Hughes will remain on the school board for a fourth term, and progressive challenger John Duval will become the newest member of the board, replacing incumbent Damon Bender. Hughes received a total of 947 votes; Duval received 664; Bender received 479. Hughes and Duval will begin their 3-year terms on June 1.

Both the annual Budget Proposition and Proposition #2 passed by a wide margin: 967 to 158, and 972 to 153, respectively. The passage of the Budget Proposition will increase the district budget to $91,388,000. The approval of Proposition #2 will allow the district to use $2 million dollars from the 2015 Capital Reserve Fund to finance a redevelopment project at the district’s newly acquired 366 N. Highland Ave property, including the construction of a new parking lot and the reconfiguring of the entry/exit driveway at Nyack High School.

It is very gratifying to see such involvement with the schools in our Nyack community

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